County Government 101: Human Resources

Carroll County Government this week released the seventh installment of “Carroll 101,” a series of presentations to provide basic overviews and highlights of County departments and divisions.

The County releases a new episode every week, and each session is led by one of the County’s 13 directors. This week’s presentation covers the Department of Human Resources and is led by Director Kim Frock.

According to Carroll County Government:

Each session, approximately 15 minutes in length, will provide the ins and outs of the county departments and promotes learning everything citizens want to know about local government but were afraid to ask. The presentations focus on major areas of Carroll County Government including management and budget, fire & emergency services, land and resource management, citizen services, recreation & parks, economic development and public works as well as public safety, human resources, county attorney, comptroller, planning, and technology services.

If you are interested in learning about the ins and outs of your local government, go to to watch today’s episode and check in every week for a new department!

Visit the Carroll County website for more information.

Interested in HR issues? MACo’s Summer Conference, “Resilient. Responsive…Ready,” will feature a session on diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. “The Why Behind DEI: The Power of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace,” hosted by MACo’s Human Resources Affiliate, is scheduled for Friday, August 20, 2021, from 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm at the Roland Powell Convention Center in Ocean City, Maryland.

Learn more about MACo’s Summer Conference: