Sun Previews Session “Major Issues”

The Baltimore Sun released a preview of major issues facing the General Assembly for the 2021 Session, including police reforms, education, sports wagering.

With the 2021 reconvening of the Maryland General Assembly afoot, Maryland’s top newspaper covers a range of issues expected to gather attention and ink in the weeks ahead.

Unsurprisingly, police reforms are on that list, as many states have responded to calls for social justice in policing tactics and accountability. The legislature has convened work groups through the interim months to develop broad reform proposals, and passage of a package of changes seems likely.

From the Sun coverage:

From abolishing the Law Enforcement Officers’ Bill of Rights to banning chokeholds and increasing mental health screenings for officers, policing issues will be a focus of lawmakers.

“We’re interested in substantive policies that will address police violence, hold corrupt officers accountable and give communities the oversight that is appropriate and that is expected,” said Del. Gabriel Acevero, a Montgomery County Democrat.

Read the full Sun article online.

Also, read MACo’s 2021 Session Previews on the Conduit Street blog.

Michael Sanderson

Executive Director Maryland Association of Counties