Fun Fact: In Which County Can You Find the “Decoy Capital of the World”?

Havre de Grace in Harford County is known as the “Decoy Capital of the World.” Located on the banks of Susquehanna Flats, visitors can see the amazing Decoy Museum.

Decoys have become more than just a way to lure waterfowl for hunters. They have become a beautiful work of art that many are able to enjoy collecting and viewing.

For centuries, Decoys have been an important aspect of Chesapeake culture. Established in 1986, the Havre de Grace Decoy Museum holds a collection of both working and decorative decoys from the Chesapeake Bay. The purpose was to preserve the historical and cultural legacy of waterfowling and decoy making.

Today, decoys are used for far more than their original purpose. Carvers create beautiful modern works of art, using century-old skills passed down for generations.

To see some of these amazing works of art, you can visit the Decoy Museum.

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