Dept. of Energy to Pay Counties Half Cost of Pollution Derived Products

The US Department of Energy is investing $100 million into transforming climate pollution into sustainable products. 

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced it is making $100 million available to support states, local governments, and public utilities in purchasing products derived from converted carbon emissions. The goal is to speed up the adoption of advanced carbon management technologies, creating a market for environmentally sustainable alternatives in fuels, chemicals, and building products sourced from captured emissions from industrial and power generation facilities.

States, local governments, and public utilities purchase large quantities of products, therefore providing an incentive to purchase products made from carbon emissions is an important method to drive emissions reductions. This program will help to promote and deploy more sustainable product alternatives that reduce net carbon emissions and lessen environmental and health risks related to global warming.

Carbon Utilization Procurement Grants
The Carbon Utilization Procurement Grants program will help offset 50% of the costs to states, local governments, and public utilities or agencies to procure and use products developed through the conversion of captured carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide emissions. The commercial or industrial products to be procured and used under these grants must demonstrate a significant net reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to incumbent products via a life cycle analysis (LCA). The LCAs are checked for conformance and approved by DOE’s National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL). Vendors may submit LCA data on the greenhouse gas emissions reductions of their carbon conversion products via NETL’s Utilization Procurement Grants website.

Read more details of this funding opportunity announcement here. 

Read more from DoE.