Major Issues & More – 90 Day Report Reviews the 2022 Legislative Session

The Maryland Department of Legislative Services’ annual synopsis of the General Assembly’s time in Annapolis provides an update on taxes, education, transportation, environmental, and health issues addressed in bills that passed – and didn’t pass – in the 2022 Session.

This year, the Maryland General Assembly conducted a legislative session unlike any other due to the enduring COVID-19 pandemic. The unique circumstances surrounding the 444th legislative session, including necessary health and safety measures, posed a challenge for lawmakers and advocates alike, with one chamber in-person and the other remote for the majority of the 90 days.

As described by the Department of Legislative Services, The 90 Day Report is divided into multiple parts, each dealing with a major policy area. Each part contains a discussion of most bills passed, including comparisons with previous sessions and current law, background information, and a discussion of significant bills that did not pass.

The areas include, among others (links will take the reader to the start of each section, though there are other references throughout the document):

Budget and State Aid (includes operating budget, capital budget, , and state aid to local governments)

Taxes (includes property taxes, income taxes, and tax sales)

State Government (includes state agencies, offices, officials/regulations, cybersecurity, and elections)

Local Government (includes local cybersecurity support, resilience authorities, land use, and bi-county agencies)

Crimes, Corrections, Public Safety (includes cannabis policy, criminal law, criminal procedure, juvenile law, and public safety)

Courts and Civil Proceedings (includes judges and court administration, real property, and human relations)

Transportation and Motor Vehicles (includes state highways, highway user revenues, public transit, bridges, and motor vehicle issues)

Business and Economic Issues (includes business occupations, business regulation, paid family leave, horse racing/gaming, economic development, unemployment insurance, and state/local alcohol laws)

Health and Human Services (includes public health – generally, health occupations, health insurance, and social services)

Natural Resources, Environment, and Agriculture (includes natural resources, hunting/fishing, environment, and agriculture)

Education (includes primary and secondary education, community colleges, and libraries)

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