UMD School of Public Policy Develops Curated List of COVID-19 Resources for Local Governments

Photo via University of Maryland School of Public Policy Facebook page.

The University of Maryland School of Public Policy has developed a curated list of resources for local governments navigating the COVID-19 crisis.

From The University of Maryland School of Public Policy website:

Local governments across America are on the front lines in addressing the unprecedented challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Local health departments are serving as the primary agencies implementing the nation’s public health response. Local elected officials are implementing stay at home orders. Local law enforcement
are enforcing restrictions on large gatherings.

But as local governments work to address this crisis, they are being bombarded with information and recommendations from dozens of sources, from traditional and social media to multiple federal and state agencies to universities and think tanks. To assist local officials in dealing with this overwhelming flow of information, the University of Maryland School of Public Policy’s Local and State Government Initiative has collected the list of resources below.

The list includes resources from federal agencies, local government associations, and more.

For more information, visit The University of Maryland School of Public Policy website.