MACo Opposes Proposed Fee Shifting in Workers’ Compensation Cases

On March 3, 2020, MACo Policy Associate Drew Jabin testified before the House Economic Matters Committee and the Senate Finance Committee along with Anne Arundel Deputy County Attorney Hamilton Taylor and Bill Jorch from the Maryland Municipal League to oppose SB 619 (CF HB 767) – Workers’ Compensation – Fees for Legal Services. This bill would upend the basic structure of workers’ compensation law and potentially leave counties and other employers liable for payment of legal fees.

From the MACo Testimony:

The Maryland Workers’ Compensation Act is deliberately meant to balance the interests of employers, the public, and injured workers. The Act never contemplated employers directly paying attorney fees, underlying the policy rationale for the eventual contingency fee as a lien.

Follow MACo’s advocacy efforts during the 2020 legislative session on MACo’s Legislative Tracking Database.