MACo’s Michael Sanderson Chats Kirwan with The Talbot Spy

The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future or “The Kirwan Bill” – and how to pay for it – remain the hottest topics of the 2020 Session. MACo’s Executive Director chatted about the details with The Talbot Spy in a video interview.

The Chestertown Spy and The Talbot Spy have begun a series of interviews with stakeholders in Kent and Talbot Counties, as well as in Annapolis, to help residents understand the details around the landmark Kirwan legislation currently under consideration in Annapolis.

In a video interview, MACo Executive Director Michael Sanderson provided an overview on the bill, giving historical background of education and education funding in Maryland, MACo’s position on the bill, and how the bill could affect counties.

Screenshot_2020-02-26 The Talbot Spy with arrow

More Conduit Street coverage on Kirwan: