White Marsh Run Sewer & Stream Restoration Project Largest in Baltimore County’s History

A September 24 Baltimore Sun article reported that Baltimore County will undertake a $13 million sewer line replacement and stream relocation/restoration project for White Marsh Run.  The article indicates that the project is the largest of its kind ever undertaken by the County.

To restore the stream, workers will relocate about 6,300 feet of stream channel, create wetlands and stabilize the stream banks and bed, officials said. Workers also will place large stones around the sewer line and replace 800 feet of pipeline with a larger one.

County Executive Kevin Kamenetz said in a statement the restoration — expected to be completed by the end of 2015 — would slow down the runoff by “converting stream banks from virtual cliffs of dirt into more natural flood plains that hold the water and absorb nutrients and pollution.”

The project will be funded by bond revenues and money from annual water and sewer fees paid by property owners.