Key Bridge Rebuild May Take Until 2028, Even With Federal Resources

The latest update on rebuilding the Francis Scott Key Bridge suggests a four year timetable – consistent with other large-scale projects requiring intergovernmental coordination and extensive site planning.

The Maryland Department of Transportation shared its view of the Key Bridge rebuilding project this week, indicating that a multi-year effort is likely ahead for the region affected by the recent tragedy causing its collapse.

From Associated Press coverage on the WBALTV website:

Maryland plans to rebuild the Francis Scott Key Bridge in just over four years at an estimated cost between $1.7 billion and $1.9 billion, a state transportation official said Thursday.

The state plans to build a new span by fall of 2028, said David Broughton, a spokesman for the Maryland Department of Transportation. He said the cost estimate is preliminary, and detailed engineering specifics have not been confirmed.

Video from WUSA television also covers the forecast and projected costs for the major plan ahead, as well as the recovery of a fifth victim from the collapse:

More resources on Key Bridge response and recovery:

Key Bridge Rebuild

MD Key Bridge response information site

Michael Sanderson

Executive Director Maryland Association of Counties