MACo Backs Updates to Dual Enrollment via Education Bill on the Move

On March 27, 2024, Associate Policy Director Brianna January submitted written testimony to the House Ways and Means Committee in support of SB 1102- Education – Blueprint for Maryland’s Future – Alterations. As amended, this bill makes several technical and operational adjustments to the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future (“the Blueprint”). SB 1102’s adjustments to college and career readiness (CCR) and the Blueprint’s envisioning of dual enrollment programs are of particular interest to county governments.

Specifically, counties support the bill’s empowerment of the state and local education agencies to set caps on the number and kind of courses individual students can take via dual enrollment.

From MACo Testimony:

The bill, as amended, phases in the Blueprint’s expansion of dual enrollment to maximize the number of students able to participate and benefit from the program. One way that it does so is by empowering the Blueprint Accountability and Implementation Board and the Maryland State Board of Education, in consultation with local school systems, to establish restrictions on dual enrollment programs. For fiscal years 2025 through 2027, the bill would allow them to limit the number and kind of courses an individual high school student can take at their community college as part of the CCR program.

More on MACo’s Advocacy: