MARBIDCO Launches New Farmland Acquisition Program

MARBIDCO is following up on the success of their Next Generation Farmland Acquisition Program with a similar initiative aimed at farmers not eligible for the first program.

The Maryland Agricultural and Resource-Based Industry Development Corp. (MARBIDCO) has announced the new Small Acreage Next Generation Farmland Acquisition Program is open. The program is designed to purchase permanent easements from next generation farmers with farms between 10 and 49 acres in size. The money allows farmers to make a down-payment to purchase the farm property. While the name may suggest that there is an age limit, MARBIDCO says there is no age restriction to apply, although “beginning farmers” will have an increased chance of having their applications approved.

“We are very appreciative of the great support that we have received from the Hogan administration, the Maryland General Assembly and the Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission for this innovative program, which will help qualified beginning farmers to purchase smaller farms which they could not otherwise do without this assistance,” says Steve McHenry, MARBIDCO’s executive director.

A portion of MARBIDCO’s Next Gen Program’s funding is being allocated to the new SANG Program with additional financial support coming from SMADC for farm and easement purchases in the five Southern Maryland counties.

For more information, view the full article on FarmProgress.