State to Release Study on Truck Parking

Across the nation, truck parking is becoming a major concern for transportation agencies due to shortages and unsafe locations. The Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) commissioned a truck parking study in March 2019.

MDOT’s statement on expected outcomes for the Study:

The Maryland Statewide Truck Parking Study will develop actionable insights into truck parking issues in Maryland by identifying the location of truck parking issues, matching solutions to truck parking issues, and prioritizing truck parking solutions. Ultimately, the study will provide MDOT with the data and context needed to advance priority projects and strategies to improve truck parking statewide.

Side_of_the_Road_ParkingThe Study will solicit private and public input and validation during specific points to ensure that all needs, opportunities, and solutions identified are feasible and improve truck parking.

The Study is expected to be completed by the end of November 2019. For more information visit MD Statewide Truck Parking Study.