County Trivia, a Chance to Play!

joyce baki
Question: Which two counties have no municipalities? Winner: Joyce Baki, Tourism Specialist, Calvert County Department of Economic Development

MACo is now featuring a new way to keep your county knowledge up-to-date in our weekly e-newsletter, This Week on Conduit Street.

Each week a trivia question is announced in the Hot Topics section of This Week on Conduit Street. The following week, a correct answer is chosen at random and the winner and answer are published along with a new question in This Week on Conduit Street.

Here is a special update from the first weeks of County Trivia:

Week 1

Question: Which two counties have no municipalities?

Answer: Howard and Baltimore counties.

Winner: Joyce Baki, Tourism Specialist Calvert County Department of Economic Development

Week 2

Question: Which two counties have state-created special taxing districts?

Answer: Find out tomorrow in This Week on Conduit Street!

Keep your county skills sharp with County Trivia!

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