St. Mary’s Approved Budget Increases Education Funding, Maintains Tax Rates

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  • Post category:County Budgets

St. Mary’s County Commissioners recently approved the county’s fiscal 2015 budget, which takes effect July 1, 2014.  The $220.5 million operating budget increases eduction funding by $4 million and maintains local tax rates.

As reported by The Enterprise:

The local tax rates in St. Mary’s will not change in the new county budget, though residents of the 7th District will pay slightly more in the fire tax portion in property tax bills. The hike from 4.4 cents to 5.6 cents per $100 of assessed value should generate an additional $78,000 for the 7th District Volunteer Fire Department, said Elaine Kramer, chief financial officer for county government. The department made the request and there was no public opposition during hearings.

The county’s capital budget is $60.9 million and provides funding for the following projects:

…$12.3 million for the construction of Capt. Walter Francis Duke Elementary School in Leonardtown, $8 million to renovate Spring Ridge Middle School in Lexington Park, $11.3 million to accelerate new tower construction for the emergency responders radio system, $6 million to start construction on FDR Boulevard in California and $4 million to renovate the county jail.