Dorchester County Commissioners Adopt Budget for Fiscal 2014

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  • Post category:County Budgets

As reported in the county’s budget message, Dorchester County Commissioner’s adopted an operating and capital budget totaling $64.3 million for fiscal 2014.  The operating budget holds tax rates at or below the current rates and below the constant yield rate.  From the budget message:

The adopted operating budget totals $54.9 million, which is $1.4 million, or 2.7% above the FY 2013 adopted operating budget. The primary goals of the adopted budget were (1.) to maintain essential services, (2.) to maintain or lower the current property tax rates, and (3.) to maintain our reserve fund. The adopted operating budget meets all of the above goals.

The adopted capital budget totals $7.5 million, an increase of $7 million above the 2013 adopted capital budget.