2024 NACo Awards: Best in Criminal Justice and Public Safety

Introducing the 2024 MACo Celebratory Blog Series: Showcasing the Remarkable Achievements of Maryland’s Award-Winning Counties!

Join us on this exciting journey as we embark on a special blog series dedicated to honoring the exceptional accomplishments of the counties that triumphed in the National Association of Counties (NACo) 2024 Achievement Awards.  Each week, we will shine a well-deserved spotlight on a few remarkable counties, taking a deeper dive into their accomplishments, innovative initiatives, and the profound impact they have had on their communities. 

Criminal Justice & Public Safety Awards

Baltimore City – Baltimore City 9-1-1 Behavioral Health Diversion Program

Launched in June 2021, the 911 Diversion program’s central mission is to match individuals to the most appropriate and available resources while reducing unnecessary police encounters with people in behavioral crisis. As part of the program, 911 call takers identify a call as appropriate for diversion [call types related to suicidal ideations and general behavioral health matters] and divert the call from law enforcement to experienced mental health professionals through the 988 helpline. The helpline is available 24/7 and is staffed by mental health clinicians who provide support through de-escalation, crisis aid, and referrals to additional resources. Mobile crisis teams can be dispatched to provide in-person aid. In Q4 of 2023 a triage was developed to assist 988 dispatchers in identifying which mobile team composition is best suited for response. The diversion program is connected to a continuum of care within the behavioral health landscape – not only through the support of mobile response teams but also with residential services should the individual require additional support beyond the mobile response teams – and the residential services are available the same day for engaged individuals.

Howard County received two achievement awards in the criminal justice and public safety category.

CDL Program

In 2021 the Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) program facilitated by Advanced CDL Driving Academy officially launched at the Howard County Detention Center (HCDC). The initial class had 5 students who met on Saturday mornings to study their material. Over time, the program has expanded to one of the most requested programs in the facility with the wait list growing every day. The most recent class began with 13 students who can be found studying their materials in their down time after class. At graduations, students express an increased readiness to take on the world and sometimes the CDL certificate being the only graduation they have ever attended. The CDL program has allowed for over 80 incarcerated students to receive instruction, through the facilitation of 7 cycles. This program provides participants with an opportunity to change the trajectory of their lives through the creation of employment opportunities they didn’t have when they came in. The Howard County Detention Center is the first facility in the state of Maryland with a CDL program for incarcerated individuals. Providing this opportunity to incarcerated individuals aligns with the detention center’s mission of public safety, as rehabilitated and equipped individuals are released into Howard County. The education provided to students helps them to plan for opportunities in the community, versus just figuring it out when released.

Non-profit and Faith-Based Security Grant Program

Across the nation, religiously motivated hate crimes have increased in recent years. With the rise in international conflict along geographic, religious, and cultural lines, many communities are at enhanced risk of hate crimes and threats of violence. In Howard County, we have witnessed this increase in hate crimes and threats to our Jewish and Muslim congregations and community organizations. In response, Howard County launched the Nonprofit and Faith-Based Security Grant Program in October 2023 with a commitment of up to $750,000. Grant funding can be used to support enhanced security personnel efforts, such as security officers and training, as well as security infrastructure, such as cameras, door locks, and cybersecurity investments. This grant program offered security grants to all nonprofit organizations at risk of hate crimes. Since the launch of this new program, approximately 30 nonprofit and faith-based organizations have received a cumulative $600,000+ in funding to support critical security needs throughout the county.

Montgomery County – Drone as First Responder Program

The Montgomery County Department of Police proudly submitted the “Drone as First Responder” program for the National Association of Counties (NACo) Achievement Award in Criminal Justice and Public Safety.  Rooted in community engagement and guided by a commitment to transparency, the department overcame budgetary challenges and skepticism to implement the initiative successfully. Beginning in 2018, the department forged strategic partnerships and meticulously trained personnel to launch the Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Program. The program’s impact was exemplified during critical incidents like the Friendly Garden Apartments explosion, where drones provided invaluable real-time situational awareness and guided rescue operations. Inspired by our successes, we endeavored to expand our program and implement a larger scale DFR program than others throughout this Country. Through extensive community outreach and transparent policy development, the department addressed public concerns regarding privacy and ensured lawful UAS use. The successful advocacy for funding and swift operational implementation underscores the department’s leadership and dedication to serving the community. As the largest agency to adopt the “Drone as First Responder” program, the Montgomery County Department of Police sets a national precedent for innovation in public safety. Their willingness to share expertise and mentor other agencies reflects a commitment to advancing the field of law enforcement nationwide. This nomination recognizes their outstanding contributions to public safety and community service.

Together, let’s explore the remarkable stories behind these award-winning counties and draw inspiration from their passion, creativity, and commitment to making a positive difference.  View all 2024 NACo Achievement Award winners through their interactive and searchable map.