Eight Counties Submit Nonrecurring Cost Applications for FY15

Maryland State Department of Education Office of Finance

The current “nonrecurring costs” law was designed to allow counties to fund one-time items in the school budget without triggering a permanent funding requirement. The law has been used sporadically, but its success has been limited.

Under current regulation, the application deadline for counties to apply for one-time cost exclusions from the required minimum education appropriation is March 31.  Over the past several years, few counties have applied for nonrecurring cost exclusions.  This year, according to the Maryland State Department of Education Office of Finance, out of twenty four counties, there were eight requests for exclusions.  Carroll, Frederick, Garrett, Kent, Montgomery, Prince George’s, St. Mary’s, and Worcester counties applied.

MACo has worked with education stakeholders, legislators, and others this session to uncover information on nonrecurring costs and the nonrecurring cost law and regulations. Over the coming year, we hope to gain additional insight into the nonrecurring cost process in order to discover ways to make the system of greater use and to add clarity and certainty for all partners in Maryland’s K-12 education system.