Fun Fact: How Happy Are Marylanders?

People living in Maryland are some of the nation’s happiest residents. Maryland has ranked number three in America for happiest states in 2023!

In a study, WalletHub looked into what it meant to be happy. Through their research they determined which environmental factors inpact a persons overall well-being and satisfaction with life.

Previous studies have found that good economic, emotional, physical and social health are all key to a well-balanced and fulfilled life.

According to, ‘2023’s Happiness States in America’ list, Maryland scored a total of 64.62 points making them the third happiest state.

The state comes in #4 for ‘Work Environment’, #5 for ‘Community & Environment’ and #8 for ‘Emotional & Physical Well-Being.’

Utah and Hawaii ranked first and second with Maryland following close for third. For full list of qualifications and findings see 2023’s Happiest States in America.

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