Department of Agriculture Secretary Visits Wicomico and Worcester Counties

Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) Secretary Kevin Atticks visiting Eddie Collins and his family at Collins Wharf Sod Farm Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) Secretary Kevin Atticks, along with key staff from the agency, recently visited Wicomico and Worcester Counties to listen and learn about agriculture on the Lower Shore.

The tour kicked off with a visit to the Salisbury Animal Health Lab, marking Secretary Atticks’ first visit as the head of the department to the brand new, state of the art lab just outside of Salisbury. The lab is  an integral part of Maryland’s response to the ongoing avian influenza outbreak.  “This lab has been on the front line of the HPAI outbreaks on the Delmarva.  Maryland and Delaware have worked together in a collaborative effort to curb the effects of this devastating virus affecting our number one commodity on the Eastern Shore.”

Following a visit with former MDA Secretary Roger Richardson at his farm in Worcester County, the group traveled to Bordeleau Winery in Eden to celebrate Maryland Wine Month. Owner/operator Tom Shelton discussed his passion for and science behind wine making wine.

The delegation ended the day-long tour with a visit to the Collins Wharf Sod Farm located near Allen.  During the visit, owner/operator Eddie Collins and his family gave an overview of his farm and what goes into growing sod and turf.

“The diversity of Maryland agriculture and what these farmers do to sustain their respective businesses is truly remarkable” said MDA Secretary Kevin Atticks. “Agriculture in Wicomico and Worcester counties demonstrate why Maryland is called America in miniature. I am excited to see these industries grow.”