Board of Public Works: April 6 Meeting Agenda

The Board of Public Works — a three-member panel including Governor Larry Hogan, Comptroller Peter Franchot, and State Treasurer Dereck Davis — reviews projects, contracts, and expenditure plans for state agencies, many of which affect county governments.

It typically convenes on alternating Wednesdays in the Governor’s Reception Room on the 2nd floor of the State House in Annapolis, and meetings are open to the public.

The Board’s next meeting is Wednesday, March 23, 2022, at 10:00 am.

Material for the upcoming meeting is available online:

Upcoming 2022 Meeting Dates: April 6, 2022, and April 27, 2022.

For agenda updates and the meeting schedule, please visit the BPW website.

Stay tuned to Conduit Street for more information.

Useful Links

BPW Website

Previous Conduit Street Coverage: March 23 Board of Public Works Meeting: Here’s What Counties Need to Know