DLS Briefs House Committee On Budget Big Picture

The House Ways and Means Committee received a fiscal briefing from the Department of Legislative Services (DLS) on January 22, 2019. This briefing provides a comprehensive overview of the Governor’s fiscal plan, the…

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Extra Grant Funding Will Help Counties Catch Up

MACo Research Director Robin Eilenberg testified in support of House Bill 1624, "Local Governments - Income Tax Disparity Grants - Amounts", before the House Appropriations Committee on March 6, 2018.…

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Round-up of the 2018 Session for Counties

MACo’s legislative efforts earned an 80% success rate – and as usual, the counties’ voice makes a difference in Annapolis. Bills we support are more likely to pass, and bills…

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State Board Pares Cuts, Spares Counties

On Wednesday, the Board of Public Works (BPW) voted to approve budget cuts of approximately $63 million - but, the cuts did not include the Administration's original proposal to eliminate…

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Caroline Raises Income Tax Rate

The Caroline County Commissioners voted this week to raise their income tax rate by nearly half a percent, to the highest possible rate of 3.2 percent. The move is expected…

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