Focusing on Communication & Teambuilding at MACoCon

A MACo Summer Conference session shares how best to build communication amongst your team and fellow government officials.

At MACo’s Summer Conference, representatives from the Administrative Office of the Courts and the Maryland Municipal League provided insight into methods on how leaders can improve their communication.

Nick White, PhD, Research and Evaluation Director, Mediation and Conflict Resolution Office (MACRO), Administrative Office of the Courts and Tom Reynolds, Director of Education Services at the Maryland Municipal League co-presented their six focus areas where leaders often fail when it comes to communication. This course offered an in-depth, brilliant methodology to help government officials better connect with team members and stakeholders. Dr. White’s and Mr. Reynold’s six focus areas included:

  • Focusing on Interests, Not Positions
  • Focusing on Mutual Gain
  • Separating the People from the Problem
  • Shifting perspective to a “Learning Stance”
  • Using Purposeful Listening
  • Using a Mediator or Facilitator

Wicomico County Councilwoman Nicole Acle Ben moderated the session.

This class introduced local government leaders to the basic skills needed to successfully resolve conflict and build consensus within a local government setting. Particular emphasis was placed on developing ways to improve the design of public processes to enhance community involvement and satisfaction. This class was highly interactive and involves analysis of real-world examples as well as small group work built around hypothetical situations familiar to anyone who has served as a local government official.

More about MACo’s Summer Conference: