Shifts in IT Strategy – Defining the Digital Workspace in a Post-COVID World

Don’t miss MACo’s Winter Series session on the importance of technology in and beyond an unsettled environment.

MACo’s Winter Series includes content directly aimed at solving common governance and administrative challenges. During this session, learn about the importance of keeping up with technology in the workplace.  World Wide Technologies (WWT), a MACo Platinum Corporate Partner, will host a live session on shifts in your digital strategies to create a more successful work environment.

Register for MACo’s Winter Series to attend this session.

Defining the Digital Workspace in a Post-COVID World

Description: With the onset of COVID, technologies that were previously thought of as “nice to have” are now being seen as critical business enablers. Enterprise collaboration platforms, and virtual workspaces and meeting spaces are suddenly of utmost importance. Streamlined communications with customers and constituents also became more important than ever. And, of course, cybersecurity could not be overlooked in a rush to provide these enhanced or often new digital services. Combined, these factors caused shifts in digital strategy to accommodate immediate needs as part of a larger strategy, to not waste money on short-lived solutions. In this session, we will discuss how the necessitated shift in IT strategy and lessons learned during the shutdown caused by the pandemic will continue to shape the digital workspace in a post-COVID world.

Date/Time: Friday, December 11 at 12:30 – 1:30 pm (live)

Speaker: John Evans, Chief Technology Advisor, WWT

Register online today!

Registration is free (but required!) for county officials and employees. Non-county registrants pay a nominal fee (see rates). Already registered for the series? No need to register again. You will receive an email with login information for the session.

Learn more about MACo’s Winter Series: