School Safety & School Temperatures Targeted in FY 19 Capital Budget

The House’s version of the capital budget includes just over $375 million for school construction, with $10 million for school safety improvements and $10 million for HVAC improvements in Baltimore City, according the Maryland Association of Boards of Education.

As usual, the Maryland Association of Boards of Education’s publication, The Education Advocate, includes a wealth of information on legislation related to education funding and school construction.

Some funding in the capital budget is dedicated to certain purposes, while public school construction program funds are available to be allocated for school construction priorities from each district.

Regarding Maryland’s FY 2019 State Capital Budget, MABE provides this update:

The State Capital Budget Bill, Senate Bill 186, has passed the House and is pending on the floor in the Senate. Public school facility funding for FY 2019 totals just over $375 million.

The State’s investment in public school facility funding in the FY 2019 capital budget includes:

  • $309 million for the Public School Construction Program.
  • $40 million for Supplemental Capital Grant Program for Local School Systems with enrollment growth that over the last 5 years exceeds 150% of the statewide average or with 300 or more relocatable classrooms.
  • $10 million for Public School Safety Improvements through the design, construction, and capital equipping of safety improvements at public school buildings.
  • $10 million for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Improvements in Baltimore City public school buildings.
  • $6.1 million for the Aging Schools Program.

For more information, see the FY 2019 State Capital Budget bill, Senate Bill 186.