City Pilots Doula Program to Reduce Infant Mortality

The Baltimore City Health Department is piloting a program to incorporate doulas, non-medical persons who provide physical assistance and emotional support to a mother before, during, and after birth, into their B’More Healthy Babies program.

The B’More Healthy Babies program, which was launched in 2010, has successfully reduced the city’s infant mortality rate by 38% and the sleep-related infant death rate by more than 50%. By incorporating doulas into the program, the city hopes to reduce the health disparity between low-income and minority women, and other women who have better resources and access to prenatal care.

As reported in The Baltimore Sun:

The city health department has started a pilot program to train Nelson and four other city residents to become doulas — non-medical companions who provide emotional support and comfort to women during delivery.

Doulas can also play a guiding role during pregnancy. They help moms develop birth plans, and can work in conjunction with physicians to make sure expectant mothers have the medical information they need to lead a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy.


Read The Baltimore Sun to learn more.

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