Former Frederick County Commissioner Bruce Reeder Passes Away at 90

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Bruce Reeder, former Frederick County Commissioner, died March 2, 2017 at the age of 90. He served as a commissioner from 1990-1998 and again from 2002-2006.

Bruce Reeder, Courtesy of the Frederick News-Post

According to the Frederick News-Post,

“Bruce epitomized the gentleman politician,” said County Executive Jan Gardner in a statement. “He was polite and friendly to everyone, whether they shared his policy views or not. Bruce leaves behind a legacy to our community through his public service. He especially loved and was dedicated to the volunteer fire and rescue service and to addressing transportation issues in the community. He will be missed.”

“We agreed and disagreed on different things, but he was always a pleasant man,” [former County Commissioner David] Gray recalls. “He operated with civility at all times, which today is sometimes missing.”

Gray noted Reeder’s special interest in senior citizens, as he helped get them a property tax credit during his tenure. He was passionate about affordable housing, development — concerned about too much growth but recognizing it as a necessity — and was a fighter for the fire departments and teachers in Frederick.

“One of my highest priorities will be to work with the Board of Education to attract and retain highly qualified teachers,” Reeder said in an interview with The Gazette when he announced his candidacy in 2002. “Teachers teach our children and leave lasting memories with us.”