Howard County Paraprofessional Receives National Award

As reported by WBAL TV, Howard County support professional, Donna Schulze, received a $10,000 award as the Education Support Professional of the Year by the National Educational Association.  Schulze works in the classroom, helping children to learn their basic skills.

WBAL quotes the award-recipient as saying,

“My role is to be the extra set of hands because you have children that just … need that little push to get something. They’re stuck, they need help holding a pencil, they don’t get a term,” Schulze said.

According to the National Education Association,

Each year, one Education Support Professional receives the NEA ESP of the Year Award in recognition of their outstanding contribution to their schools, communities, and profession. The ESP of the Year serves as an ambassador for Education Support Professionals around the country, promoting the value of ESP members at national and state conferences.

For more information, see the full article at