Rough Roads Cause Marylanders to Pay More in Vehicle Operating Costs

As reported in the Baltimore Sun today, Maryland drivers pay an additional $425 in vehicle costs due to rough roads, compared with the national average of $335.  This finding is being released today in a report by the U.S. Public Interest Research Group Education Fund.  Although Maryland is praised for devoting money to repairs before new construction, drivers are still feeling the effects of poorly maintained roads.

In 2008, the state ranked 37th in its percentage of road quality, with 41 percent of roads in “less than good” condition, according to the report. The national average was 45 percent. Among metropolitan areas, Baltimore has the 15thhighest additional repair and accident costs due to poor roads — $589.

This finding comes at a time when Highway User Revenues to the counties have been reduced an average of 96%, with the exception of Baltimore City, which has been cut by 35%.  Many counties use Highway User Revenues for road maintenance projects.

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